
Automatic, AI-powered recruiting notes.

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What is Metaview?

Metaview is the AI assistant that helps teams eradicate admin and toil from their hiring process. It completely removes the need for recruiters and hiring managers to take notes during their most important conversations because our AI is designed to take world-class recruiting notes for you.

Ways to use Metaview

Metaview records, transcribes, and automatically summarizes your recruiting calls—whether it's intakes, screens, interviews, or debriefs.

The result? You’re saved from the drudgery of note-taking and can instead spend time on what actually matters: being present, curious and engaging with candidates, then making high-quality decisions based on insight, not memory.

It also means your organization has 10x better data about every candidate you speak to, because you’re no longer relying on people to remember everything that was discussed and submit accurate notes. Unlike humans, Metaview never gets tired, doesn’t forget anything, and structures the notes perfectly.

Metaview works alongside all of the tools in your recruiting stack, so there's no need to change your workflows.

Recruitee + Metaview =

-AI-powered recruiting notes: Metaview’s AI provides perfect summaries of all your recruiting calls, whether it’s intakes, screens, interviews, or debriefs. Customize notes to match your exact needs and leverage our Assistant chatbot to instantly recall key details or pull out insights from conversations.

-Automatic capture: Metaview automatically records, transcribes, and summarizes calls scheduled through Recruitee, so you can get your AI-powered notes without even having to think about it.

-Richer candidate data: Links between Metaview and Recruitee make it easy to jump from notes & recordings in Metaview to the candidate’s profile in Recruitee. So all of the data sources you have on a candidate are readily accessible in one place.

-Seamless team management: Easily give the hiring team access to Metaview’s AI-generated notes.

Mehr erfahren und Unterstützung erhalten

To learn more about using Metaview and Recruitee together, visit the help article.

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Verfügbare Sprachen: Englisch und Niederländisch
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