The collaborative hiring software that builds winning teams

Bring your hiring teams together, boost your sourcing, automate your hiring, and evaluate candidates effectively.
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Trusted by hiring teams at:

Make hiring a team effort

All the tools you need to hire the best people while getting everyone involved

Reduce manual work by automating the recruitment process

Set up automated actions, create templates for recurring pipeline structures, add permissions and roles for your team, and save up to 64% of your time.

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Boost your sourcing power

Turn everyone into a recruiter with social sharing links, sourcing tools, and referrals. Use smart campaigns to post to multiple job boards at once.

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Organize your recruitment process

Send a Scheduler link for easy booking that works for everyone’s schedule, removing calendar hassle.

Make it easy to bring your hiring team into the process with interview templates, notes and mentions.

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Works with:
ZoomGoogle MeetsMicrosoft Teams

Get the offer signed before others take over your candidate

Top talents always have more options. Be faster with paperwork thanks to our e-signature integration.

Did you get more quality applicants? Keep them in a talent pool so you can stay in touch.

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Works with:
Docu SignDropbox sign logoSign Request

Customize reports to meet your organization needs

Share progress with your team to find places for improvements. Be even more efficient by connecting to the rest of your tech stack for a seamless workflow.

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Works with:
Amazon Redshift

Save 64% of your time by automating manual tasks in your recruitment process

Save up to 12 hours a week with automated actions throughout your workflow and templates for recurring tasks.


Bring your employer branding to the next level

Create an amazing careers site with just a few clicks. Explore our easy-to-use career site editor and watch as top candidates return for more. No coding skills needed!

Careers hub

Boost your sourcing power

Turn everyone into a recruiter with social sharing links, sourcing tools, and referrals. Use smart campaigns to post to multiple job boards at once.


Organize your recruitment process

No more hassle scheduling interviews and involving your hiring team. With our Scheduler, interview templates, notes, and mentions your recruitment will be more efficient.

Event scheduler

Customize reports to meet your organization’s needs

Build custom dashboards and reports to see how your recruitment process can be optimized and improved.


120+ integrations with your favourite apps

Power up your recruitment process by connecting Recruitee to your existing tech stack!

Total applicants
Customer satisfaction rate
Über 20 Mio.
Bewerber*innen insgesamt
Über 5000
Mehr als 90
97,1 %
+ de 20 M
+ de 5 000
+ de 90
97,1 %
Taux de satisfaction client
Totaal aantal sollicitanten
Klanttevredenheid ratio

Customer support that you can actually rely on

If you ever get stuck - don't be shy to give our customer support team a shout. We're always there for you, and our average reply time is under 7 minutes!


The GDPR automations are brilliant. Automating consent requests and candidate deletion saves me 30 to 45 minutes every day.

Amy Smith
Head of Talent at Framestore

Our hiring managers love using Recruitee because of the transparency it creates in the hiring process. I love it because of its ability to help reduce our time-to-hire ratio.

Amity Calhoun
Talent and Culture Manager at Vectorform

Before Recruitee, we had a lot of extra manual tasks that were taking valuable time from the recruiters. With a lack of visibility of money spent on recruitment with our previous system, changing ATS’ was a cost-reducing and time-saving decision. Choosing Recruitee was a no-brainer.

Ireen Dekker
Corporate Recruiter at

Recruitee brings a lot of value, not only in the candidate experience but also to us as users. It’s really improved our way of working.

Polina Kourakou
HR Manager Greece at Marks and Spencer

Uns war es wichtig ein Tool zu finden, mit dem wir eine beidseitige Userfreundlichkeit gewährleisten können, um den Prozess professioneller, effizienter und umfassender zu gestalten.

Jana Reineke
Leiterin Personalmarketing bei Melitta

Die größte Verbesserung mit Recruitee ist tatsächlich, dass der Prozess jetzt transparent gestaltet ist. Jede*r im Prozess involvierte Kolleg*in kann Bewertungen abgeben und weiß, was die anderen machen. So schaffen wir es, wirklich schneller Entscheidungen zu treffen.

Mayu Zoe Narita
Head of Human Resources bei Mission Mittelstand

Recruitee ist ein sehr modernes Tool, das uns hilft, unser Erscheinungsbild eines attraktiven Arbeitgebers schon im Bewerbungsprozess zu etablieren.

Karin Bass
Global Vice President Human Resources bei Wüsthof

Les automatisations RGPD sont géniales. Automatiser les demandes de consentement et la suppression de candidat me permet de gagner 30 à 45 minutes chaque jour.

Amy Smith
Head of Talent chez Framestore

Nos responsables du recrutement adorent utiliser Recruitee grâce la transparence que le logiciel crée dans le processus de recrutement. Personnellement, j'aime particulièrement sa capacité à réduire notre durée de recrutement.

Amity Calhoun
Talent and Culture Manager chez Vectorform

Recruitee est un outil vraiment très utile : non seulement il améliore l'expérience vécue par le candidat, mais il nous facilite aussi la vie à nous, les utilisateurs. Il a vraiment amélioré notre façon de travailler !

Polina Kourakou
HR Manager Greece chez Marks and Spencer

De AVG-automatiseringen zijn briljant. Het automatiseren van verzoeken om toestemming en kandidaat verwijdering bespaart met 30 tot 45 minuten per dag.

Amy Smith
Head of Talent bij Framestore

Onze wervingsmanagers gebruiken Recruitee zo graag omdat het transparantie gecreëerd binnen het wervingsproces. Ik vind het geweldig hoe het de wervingstijd verkleind.

Amity Calhoun
Talent and Culture Manager bij Vectorform

Recruitee brengt veel waarde, niet alleen in de kandidaatervaring maar ook voor ons als gebruikers. Het heeft onze manier van werken echt verbeterd.

Polina Kourakou
HR Manager Greece bij Marks and Spencer
Total applicants
Customer satisfaction rate
Über 20 Mio.
Bewerber*innen insgesamt
Über 6000
Mehr als 90
97,1 %
+ de 20 M
+ de 6000
+ de 90
97,1 %
Taux de satisfaction client
Totaal aantal sollicitanten
Klanttevredenheid ratio

Customer support that you can actually rely on

If you ever get stuck - don't be shy to give our customer support team a shout. We're always there for you, and our average reply time is under 7 minutes!

Customer Support

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