5 advantages of using a recruitment mobile app

Last updated:
March 5, 2021
December 19, 2021
min read
Written by
Perry Oostdam
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“65% of people are using their mobile devices to search for jobs, and this trend isn’t isolated to younger job seekers.” – “78% of Candidates Would Apply to Jobs From Mobile”
Indeed Blog

Statistics like the one above have caused the recruitment industry to become abuzz with the possibilities and necessities surrounding mobile usage. However, it’s not new that a company should have a mobile-friendly hiring site. The focus is now turning to allow recruiters themselves to be able to utilize a more useful platform.

“If you search the app stores, you’ll find hundreds of [apps] for finding jobs, but very few for finding candidates.” – Chris Russell, “The Big List of Mobile Recruiting Apps”

With few options for recruiters to use, questions are really starting to be raised about where they are and what they could be doing. Many are realizing how useful it could be for recruiters to have a quality app to be connected to.

Following are the five advantages and trends that are influencing the move toward recruitment mobile apps.

1. Mobile Recruiting

About 80% of Recruitee users are currently using our recruitment mobile app. This indicates that recruiters who have access to a mobile app seem quite pleased with it, but it’s likely that most haven’t even tried it. Of the first ten Applicant Tracking Software programs listed on the website Capterra, only three have a dedicated app for the recruiter’s side of the hiring process (with a few others saying their cloud sites are optimized for mobile and tablet use).

On the other hand, all ten of the previously mentioned ATS systems operate using a web-based program that houses everything in a cloud. This comes to another modern debate about whether or not a dedicated app is more valuable than a mobile responsive website. There isn’t one correct answer, but if you consider the following quote, it seems to be an accurate forecast of which way the recruitment software industry will head to:

“…if you offer an existing web service for users logins and account management, a native mobile app is probably going to be a worthwhile investment, as it will provide tremendous performance benefits over using the mobile web.” – Christina Warren, “Should You Build a Responsive Site or a Native Mobile App?”

Some of the industry leaders and innovators have created native recruitment mobile apps, and if they come to be viewed as successful, you can suggest many other companies to make the same investment.

Relevant: Why you need a mobile recruiting strategy

2. Smart Notifications

One of the most convenient factors of a recruitment mobile app is receiving smart notifications. These allow a recruiter to immediately know when something important has happened, and it doesn’t matter if they are sitting at their desk or are on the go. This causes recruiters to have a faster response time (both responding to candidates and discussing the matter with their team) and can lead to a shorter, more effective recruitment process.

When you consider that the number of smartphones and tablets has been steadily rising, it makes sense to have employees put those devices to good use.

3. Easily Shareable with Team Members

It’s much easier for two people to discuss an issue while sitting next to each other in a quiet office than it is when they’re on opposite sides of the planet. But, whether they’re nine time zones apart or sitting in a noisy train car, they probably have a mobile phone within reach. A recruitment mobile app designed for the situation allows them to see real-time comments and adjustments made by their colleagues, whether or not they have the time to discuss the issue on the phone.

“The average interaction worker spends an estimated 28 percent of the workweek managing e-mail and nearly 20 percent looking for internal information or tracking down colleagues who can help with specific tasks.” – Michael Chui et al., “The social economy: Unlocking value and productivity through social technologies”
McKinsey & Company Report

Email changed the way that people communicated, but it’s already becoming obsolete because of being too slow. It’s time for businesses to get up to speed, and the information needs to be immediately available in a convenient location.

4. Strong Searching and Data Parsing

It’s a common concern about whether or not an applicant tracking system (ATS) can read multiple file types, and we assure you that they can. So, it doesn’t matter how candidates submit their information, you’ll be able to quickly search through all documents for whatever terms you are looking for.

Now that it’s clear all file types can be read, the ATS allows for the resume, cover letter, and any other documents to all be mixed together. The mobile app gives the recruiter the opportunity to easily organize, search, and view them on their phone or tablet without additional apps.

This is another area where old habits are dying out to new technology. Previously, your grandparents, parents, and maybe even you were forced to sort through a stack of paper resumes to decide which candidates you should consider. Now, this information can be automatically entered into a database, and you can search “Photoshop” in your mobile app to see a list of potential employees that are skilled photo editors.

5. Universal Apps

Globally, at the end of 2015, 78% of mobile users had the Android operating system, while iOS only had 18.3%. This influences app developers because they have been forced to choose which system to create their program, and many users would end up left out because of it.

However, this factor is changing with new developments. Programming languages are working to become more hybrid, and it’s becoming easier to make an app that’s adaptable to different operating systems. Developers can now choose between a “Native” app (built for the operating system of a specific device), a “Web” app (a website that acts like an app when visited on a mobile device), or a “Hybrid” app (one that attempts to combine the two). That’s good news for everyone who has an Apple phone and an Android tablet but wants to make sure they can remain connected on both.

5 brilliant mobile recruiting apps

So, which apps should you consider to break into managing your hires away from the office? There are so many mobile recruiting apps available, it’s all about finding one that’s a good fit for you.

Whether you’re looking for work or advertising a position, the following apps make the work much simpler, with some fabulous features making them stand-out solutions from the more typical.

The following are a small selection of high scoring, top-end options.

  • Recruitee – User friendly Applicant Tracking Software for recruiters and hiring managers.
  • LinkedIn – On the surface it may be a great business networking app, but LinkedIn is one of the go-to apps for advertising and landing jobs in every industry.
  • Slync – Looking for a candidate to company ideal fit, Slync is a social job-seeking tool where applicants are vetted by their video CVs. In turn, the employer shares videos of their company culture to lure the talent in form the Slync talent community.
  • Monster – Applicants get to search through millions of new jobs, with a Tinder-style right-swipe to apply! It makes the whole process of applying for jobs that little bit more fun.
  • InstaJob – Piggybacking the social-media style of Instagram, InstaJob allows employees to post pictures of their working environment, creating a visual sell of what each open role involves.

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