Did you know that millennials will hold around two-thirds of the workforce by 2030? Considering they now hold half of the total workforce, it's understandable why hiring millennials has become the top priority (and a weak spot) of almost every organization out there.There are many challenges to hiring millennials in the workforce. Businesses are rightfully wondering how to attract, retain, keep them engaged, and productive. They are not like their predecessors - they are disruptive, know what they want, and aren't afraid to ask for it.
What you need to know about hiring millennials
They're not broke college students anymore. Many of them are married, have children, buying houses, and they're actively making plans for the future. Heavily stereotyped as a generation of self-absorbed job-hoppers, millennials just have different expectations when it comes to their work compared to their predecessors.Those who have problems when it comes to hiring millennials, in fact, have problems understanding them. As a (proud) millennial, I wanted to share with you some tips on what every organization should know before hiring one of my peers. So, let's go!
Before hiring millennials in the workplace, first understand their needs
Looking at the number of articles dedicated to this topic, it might seem that the whole world is in panic, trying to understand this mythical generation. But things don't have to be that complicated. We just need to understand what millennials want from their jobs.Unlike baby boomers who thrive on praise, acknowledgment, promotions, and gen X who want to work independently, with minimum supervision, millennials are “bought” for a different price.Millennials will sell their skills to the highest bidder, which has earned them the title of the most “unloyal” workforce ever. They don't have a problem with jumping from one job to another, as long as their needs are satisfied. Millennials are motivated with the possibility of skills training, mentoring, and (immediate) feedback. They value office culture, and they thrive when they see a purpose in the job they do.Millennials value their freedom. That's why they'll thrive in the organizations offering flexible schedules, time off, and where technology is widely embraced. However, flexibility doesn't mean Millennials don't like structure. Quite the contrary. That's why when hiring millennials; organizations should offer a structure and stability they can follow throughout the workday.
If you want to hire millennials, you have to know where to find them
Millennials are the internet generation, and they cannot imagine their lives without social media and mobile devices. That's why many employers who want to stay up-to-date have moved their focus from job boards. Instead, they're now promoting their job openings and career pages via Twitter, Facebook, LinkedIn, and YouTube.Employers should make sure they're posting job openings on social networks, allowing candidates to apply via their social media profiles. Furthermore, they should make sure their websites are top-notch and include information about the company, culture, mission, and vision.
Loosen up a bit with the requirements
I’ve seen too many companies put up an extensive list of requirements for their potential candidates. This reduces the number of people who will apply for their ads, missing the opportunity for hiring top talent. Before hiring a millennial, employers should think about whether they need a diploma or someone who has actual experience.Millennials are the generation in motion; the chances are that the top-notch talent you're looking for was too busy pursuing a real-life work experience, without getting official diplomas. Google, for instance, hires more and more people who skipped college.
Make sure you show us your culture
Millennials aren’t just working for a paycheck. They’re working for a purpose. For them, being consumed in business culture is one of the top priorities. Before posting an actual job ad, employers should make sure it breathes and lives their company's culture. At the end of the day, we spend most of our day at our jobs, and it slowly becomes our second home. That's why it's not that illogical of Millennials to actually like the place they're working in.
Millennials crave feedback
Millennials know the importance of proper feedback, and they want it as regularly as they can get it. And, if I might add, this is not such a crazy thing to ask. The pure nature of feedback is all about listening and understanding and having a chance to analyze progress and determine weak points. Feedback enables us to perform better and achieve more by working less. It straightens the bonds and enables us to improve.
Don't be afraid to embrace the change
Going out of the box can be hard for some organizations who like to keep it simple. However, embracing change can bring so many benefits. Streamlining work, boosting productivity, and engagement, you name it. Change is a constant feature of a millennial's life. They crave it and want to work in a dynamic setting. That's why, before hiring a millennial, make sure you've opened up your mind for possible change.
Ease up on the hiring process
Two years ago, I applied for a job in a company that I was following on LinkedIn for quite some time. Judging by their Facebook and LinkedIn posts, they were my dream company and everything I wanted from an employer.Needless to say, I hit the ceiling when they sent me an email confirming I passed the second round interview stage. What I didn't expect was to be interrogated for three months about anything and everything. In the end, I declined the offer, thinking that if their hiring process was so tedious, how tedious would it be to actually be working for them? Companies looking to hire millennials should loosen up a bit of their hiring process. In the end, top talent won't always wait for an offer.
Be flexible when hiring millennials in the workplace
Modern-day employees favor employers who will offer them greater flexibility and freedom. The best thing a company can do is to retain millennials and keep them engaged. Enable them to work remotely when they need it, and hold them accountable for the job they're doing. By doing this, not only will companies be keeping their millennial workforce happy, but they’ll also be able to boost productivity, and retain employees.
Give us something to work with
Hiring millennials in the workplace for employers means they will have to be creative with the lists of tasks they're giving to their employees. Millennials are famous for quickly getting bored. If they find their tasks to be too mundane, millennials will become bored. That's why the best tip we can give you for hiring millennials is to spice it up and provide them with a list of tasks that will keep them busy for a while.
Don't ban them from using social media
Millennials are the social media generation. They were there from its very beginning - that's why one-third of them say social media freedom is a higher priority than a salary. Banning us from using social media at work won't make us more productive. Instead of banning the use of popular social media sites, encourage us to become our workplace ambassadors by sharing exciting moments we have at our job.
Do you still want to hire millennials?
There are plenty of challenges to hiring millennials. However, that doesn't mean they're unhirable. The tips we gave you will allow you to understand their needs better, and make the steps towards hiring them a success.