You may find yourself regularly working from home over the coming weeks as employers attempt to limit staff exposure to the coronavirus outbreak. In fact, this global pandemic could change the way you hire for the better!
The move from in-person to virtual recruitment, and the widespread use of home working, has already shifted the workplace dynamic. And adapting to new ways of working as a result of Covid-19 will help to ensure business continuity throughout the coming months. So, to help you navigate through this period of uncertainty, we’ve put together a list of insightful blogs and resources to help you with your ongoing recruitment efforts.
We explain some of the common challenges you’ll likely to face during hard times and opportunities to look out for to further your recruiter skills in our blog ‘Adapting your recruitment during times of uncertainty’.
Has the current situation got you thinking more about remote recruiting? Good, it should! Now is the opportunity to explore this area further. To help, we’ve compiled a list of 7 remote hiring techniques you need to know about
If that wasn’t enough, we sat down with Hotjar - a behavior analytics company - to find out the steps they take to hire their completely remote workforce from over 20 countries. Read the blog ‘How to recruit for a remote workforce’ here.
We also have a fabulous story about tech recruiter, Jitske van de Worp, who ended up recruiting remotely from a camper van while traveling for a year. Check out ‘Recruiting on wheels: a remote recruiter’s adventure’.
Other resources to take a look at:
5 habits for crafting the perfect remote workday from Doist.
A list of resources that might help if you’re new to remote work from Hotjar.
Remote work emergency plan: What to do (and where to start) from GitLab.