Webinar: Thriving and surviving in super growth

Last updated:
December 10, 2019
January 16, 2025
min to listen
Marco Garbrecht

Do you know the difference between super-growth and hyper-growth? Well, it’s a matter of percentages. Super-growth is anything between 20-30% headcount growth over a year. Hyper-growth is anything above that.

One company that has been experiencing super-growth of late is Trusted Shops, a German based company that certifies online shops over Europe. I recently sat down with Marco Garbrecht, Director of Recruitment & Employer Branding at Trusted Shops, who explained how his team have been managing super-growth expectations in their hiring process.

Watch the webinar below to find out more about how Trusted Shops has built up their recruitment team, what tactics they've used to attract top talent, and how they’ve maintained the integrity of their company culture while scaling up.

Key takeaways:

  • Recruiters need to be on the same page as the hiring manager and understand the vacancies they're recruiting for.
  • Effective communication within teams is essential to drive up recruitment successfully during super and hyper-growth phases.
  • Good people tend to know good people so referrals are, and always will be, an effective recruiting strategy.
  • Maintaining company culture is one of the biggest challenges during super-growth. The goal for recruiters is to always maintain a presence and uphold, or modify their values, to match their company's growth.
  • Recruiters should be encouraged to try out new processes that can help accommodate growth.
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