Welcome to a new era of hiring platforms.
Say hi to the most powerful, biggest product update since we started Recruitee. This whole new beast of hiring software comes with gorgeous UX improvements, formidable features like Talent Pools, Extensive Reports, Multi-job Support, and a brand new Dashboard!
Talent Pools: All future hires in the palm of your hand
Have you seen an interesting talent profile but don't currently have a job opening to match? Or you just want to store applicants for future hire opportunities? Now you can put them all in Talent Pools. Start scouting now, and the pool will be ready when you need to hire again. High-five from your future self! Read about Talent Pools →

Dashboard: One base, all-access
Enjoy instant access to any sections from the Dashboard overview. All recent Activities are on the right side. Candidates, active Jobs, and team members are at the top. Event scheduling is at the bottom. Everything is at your fingertips from the Recruitee Dashboard. Check out the live demo Dashboard →
Extensive Reports: All the numbers crunched in style
Extensive Reports now include detailed analytics about candidates’ sources, recruiters’ activities, and conversions from your Careers Site. Get your hiring process on track with relevant metrics. And keep on optimizing until there’s nothing left to improve! Read about Extensive Reports →

Bulk Actions: Do everything at once
Bulk Actions are now available in the pipeline of each Job at your convenience. Select all the candidates you want. Perform all the actions you want: proceed to the next stage, disqualify, re-qualify, send emails, assign to other Job(s) and/or Talent Pool(s). Everything at once. Read about Bulk Actions →
Power Search: Screen candidates faster than ever
Power Search can now dig into the content of the entire communication history between you and candidates. Be it answers to screening questions, emails, reviews, or notes, Power Search finds what you need. As simple as that. What's even better: You can select the candidates you've found and perform the Bulk Actions you want. Right there. Right then. Read about Power Search →

Multi-job Support: One candidate in multiple Jobs and Talent Pools
One candidate in multiple Jobs and Talent Pools is now possible. You can assign candidates to as many Jobs and Talent Pools as you want. Within Jobs, the "Proceed" button has a color indicator that shows how far a candidate is in that Job's pipeline. No one slips through the cracks here.
Merge Candidates: There is no such thing as a duplicate
Duplicate profiles are detected by email address, and you can choose to merge them into one. All the communication history, ratings, and notes created within each of the duplicate profile are safely retained in the merged profile. Read about Merge Candidates →
Quick Access: One click to all Jobs and Talent Pools
Never lose sight of the Jobs and Talent Pools you have. One click on the hamburger menu next to the search bar - all Jobs and Talent Pools line up. Each comes with a color indicator of its status and the number of total candidates and new candidates. This is the ultimate overview.
Multi-company Support: The more (clients), the merrier
Managing the hiring processes of multiple clients has never been this easy. One click to create company accounts from the top right corner. One click to switch between companies. One thing best of all: You've got to retain your workflow and favorite features in Recruitee - pipeline overview, email automation, Bulk Actions, and Careers Site - no matter where you switch to. Read about Multi-company Support →
Setup Guide: The quickest way to get started
This is the shortest and fastest way to hire better with Recruitee. From creating a Job to branding your Careers Site to inviting team members to watching your team grow. This sums up your ideal workflow, doesn't it? Setup Guide →Product Roadmap: See what more we have in store on the public Recruitee Development Roadmap. Have a question? Our team is on standby in the live chat! We're always glad to hear from you.