FunnelBridge Messaging

Connect faster with your candidates using WhatsApp - straight from Recruitee.

Cette intégration est disponible dans notre abonnement Expansion
Cette intégration est disponible dans nos abonnements Expansion et Adoption.
Cette intégration est disponible quel que soit votre abonnement
Il s'agit d'une intégration tierce réalisée par
FunnelBridge Messaging
Recruitee n'est pas responsable de cette intégration. Cliquez ici pour en savoir plus.

Qu'est-ce que FunnelBridge ?

FunnelBridge specializes in customized recruiting solutions. As an experienced company in human resources, it focuses on making your recruitment processes more efficient and targeted. With FunnelBridge Messaging, you can experience a fast WhatsApp messaging integration seamlessly connected with Recruitee, having no learning curve for getting used to a new solution.

Comment utiliser FunnelBridge

FunnelBridge Messaging is a WhatsApp solution designed specifically for Recruitee. It believes that Recruitee is the best platform to define recruitment processes for your organization. By installing the FunnelBridge browser extension, you can send and receive WhatsApp messages directly in Recruitee, with the possibility of having it fully automated. The extension supports multiple web browsers such as Chrome and Mozilla Firefox, providing you a convenient and effective WhatsApp communication with your applicants throughout the entire application process.
Recruitee + FunnelBridge =

- Communicate with your candidates through WhatsApp chat in each candidate profile
- Take advantage of automated WhatsApp messages & Message templates
- Work with your own phone number & WhatsApp account
- Fast implementation within one hour

En savoir plus et obtenir de l'aide

To learn more about using FunnelBridge and Recruitee together, visit the help article.

FunnelBridge Messaging
Langues disponibles : anglais et néerlandais
Qu'est-ce que
Pour en savoir plus à propos de l'utilisation conjointe de 
et de Recruitee, rendez-vous sur l'article de notre
Comment utiliser