
AI-powered recruitment revolution - Effortless, precise interview reports at your fingertips.

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Recruitee ist nicht verantwortlich für diese Integration. Klicken Sie hier, um mehr zu erfahren.

What is Noota?

Noota is the cutting-edge AI solution that transforms recruitment. Our advanced technology converts any interview - in-person, online, or via phone - into comprehensive, customizable reports. Create bespoke report templates and let our AI generate highly accurate and insightful summaries. Noota automatically crafts emails, produces AI-enhanced video clips, and seamlessly updates your ATS, saving you hours of administrative work.

Ways to use Noota

Sync your calendar with Noota for effortless interview management. You can simply include noota in your interview invitations for automatic recording and Recruitee updates.

Leverage our mobile app to capture in-person conversations at ease, and utilize our Chrome extension for one-click online interview recordings.

Recruitee + Noota =

- Share your Noota interview summary with Recruitee in its candidate profile.

- Ensure your recruitment process is always up-to-date, organized, and primed for success.

- Replace manual data entry with a streamlined, efficient hiring process.

Mehr erfahren und Unterstützung erhalten

To learn more about using Noota and Recruitee together, visit the help article.

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Verfügbare Sprachen: Englisch und Niederländisch
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