
Reveal your candidates' full potential with online assessments for talent identification and development.

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What is Thalento?

Thalento brings psychology and technology together in its assessment software. This platform provides evidence-based information for the right people decisions through personality, behaviour & motivation assessments as well as cognitive, ability & knowledge tests.

It generates valuable information for all phases of the Talent Life Cycle: from identifying and selecting talent, to retaining and managing people and developing individuals and teams.

Thalento® Solutions are used across various sectors, in 20 languages across over 50 countries.

Ways to use Thalento

Send the online assessment directly from your Recruitee environment: One test, multiple tests, or a specific test linked to a job profile? The choice is yours.  

Your candidate completes the assessments (configured in your branded style) and the results are available to the recruiter in real-time. They can be extended with interview questions for hiring managers, and feedback reports are also available for candidates.  

With over 40 assessments in 20 languages, you can screen all different types of candidate qualities.

Recruitee + Thalento =

  • Improve the quality of your recruitment through an automated and standardised recruitment process that allows you to make people decisions efficiently and quickly.
  • Establish improved time-to-hire by adopting an objective and consistent assessment process that is equally scalable and cost-effective for recruitment at higher volume.  
  • Recruit with proven scientific methods, resulting in a super candidate experience that leads to higher retention rates.

Verfügbare Sprachen: Englisch und Niederländisch
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