
Digital recruiting solution that brings job seekers and employers together.

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What is Workwise?

Workwise provides job seekers with a simple, intuitive and modern job platform. For companies, Workwise offers various services and tools that simplify and partially automate every step of the recruiting process.

From job advertisements and an applicant management system to the marketing of jobs and the placement of the right talent, the offering is tailored to customer needs. For this reason, companies can decide whether they want to use all or just individual tools and features of Workwise.

Ways to use Workwise

Workwise offers a recruiting and controlling dashboard with connections to other HR systems. Its recruiting services include individual marketing of job advertisements on 350+ recruiting channels, expert advice from their recruiting consultants, and optimization of job advertisements.

Recruitee + Workwise =

- Export candidate applications with the candidate's basic data and uploaded documents (CV, cover letter, etc.)

- PDF generated from the profile in Workwise (also includes data such as desired salary, answers to questions, etc.)

- Additional PDF on the subject of data protection and when the data should be deleted

- Synchronize the status of an application from Recruitee back to Workwise.

Mehr erfahren und Unterstützung erhalten

To learn more about using Noota and Recruitee together, visit the help article.

Verfügbare Sprachen: Englisch und Niederländisch
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