We asked more than 2,000 Recruitee users about the key benefits they experience using Recruitee.

Users rank the top 3 benefits of Recruitee as easy collaboration, better overview, and increased hiring efficiency.

Easier to work with hiring managers and colleagues
Better overview of the hiring process
Improved hiring efficiency

Collaborative hiring made easy

Recruitee users know that the user-friendly interface, mobile app, and custom pipelines mean they can spend less time training and chasing hiring managers and more time recruiting.

Easy to use
Have a better overview of their hiring process
Easy to work with hiring managers

Goodbye to wasted time

With automated actions, event and job schedulers, and workflow templates, users spend less time on mundane tasks and more time on providing strategic value.

More efficient with recruitment tasks
Fewer manual tasks to complete

Talent pools, candidate assessments, and automation help our users reduce the time it takes to hire quality candidates.

Time-to-hire has improved

Send later emails, personalization, custom careers sites, and apply with LinkedIn help to provide a better candidate experience.

Able to provide a better candidate experience

Users can create customized reports and dashboards for a precise overview of their recruiting efforts.

Have a better overview of recruiting practices

“We’ve been really impressed with Recruitee’s intuitive design and user-friendliness. The new data reporting and analytics features have set a new standard within the industry.”

Marco Garbrecht
Head of Recruitment at Trusted Shops

Some of our customers

Here are some of the amazing companies that are using Recruitee to grow their teams.

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