The state of recruitment today

Industry professionals are exploring ways to stand out to top talent, combat interviewer bias, and build long-lasting relationships.


greater profitability when
employees are engaged.

Source: Forbes


of companies say their top-quality
hires come from employee referrals.

Source: G2


reduction in time-to-hire with more colleagues involved in the hiring process.

Source: Tellent


der offenen Stellen werden durch Empfehlungen von Mitarbeiter*innen besetzt.

Quelle: Monster


der traditionellen Interviews scheitern an Voreingenommenheiten der Interviewer*innen.

Quelle: LinkedIn


der Recruiter*innen stimmen sich vor der Erstellung einer Stellenanzeige mit den Fachbereichen ab.

Quelle: Personalmarketing2null

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Everyone wins with collaborative hiring

Close collaboration between HR and hiring managers helps teams meet the needs of today’s talented workforce.

Team-based recruitment

• Collective responsibility
• Expand sourcing power
• Scale your hiring

Multi-stage interviewing

• Introduce team members from various departments
• Better candidate experience
• Recognize company culture fit

Well-rounded evaluations

• Less room for unconscious bias
• Streamline communication
• Transparency in the process

Feedback-driven hiring decisions

• Reduce time to hire
• Increase quality of hire and employee retention
• Make informed decisions
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Collaborative hiring works.
Don’t just take our word for it!

Our hiring managers love using Recruitee because of the transparency it creates in the hiring process. I love it because of its ability to help reduce our time-to-hire ratio.

Amity Calhoun
Talent and Culture Manager at Vectorform

The collaboration between hiring managers and our recruitment team is better than ever — they feel more informed and involved.

Carolien Temmerman
Talent Acquisition Managerin at Moore BE

Die Zusammenarbeit zwischen den einstellenden Manager*innen und unserem Recruiting-Team ist besser als je zuvor - sie fühlen sich besser informiert und einbezogen.

Carolien Temmerman
Talent Acquisition Managerin bei Moore BE

Allein die Aufgabenverteilung in Recruitee macht es so viel schöner zusammenzuarbeiten. Heute macht das Recruiting richtig Spaß!

Cornelia Frohwerk
Personalreferentin bei Hela Gewürzwerk Hermann Laue GmbH

Nos responsables du recrutement adorent utiliser Recruitee grâce la transparence que le logiciel crée dans le processus de recrutement. Personnellement, j'aime particulièrement sa capacité à réduire notre durée de recrutement.

Amity Calhoun
Responsable des talents et de la culture chez Vectorform

La collaboration entre les responsables du recrutement et notre équipe de recrutement est meilleure que jamais - ils se sentent plus informés et impliqués.

Carolien Temmerman
Talent Acquisition Manager chez Moore BE

De AVG-automatiseringen zijn briljant. Het automatiseren van verzoeken om toestemming en kandidaat verwijdering bespaart met 30 tot 45 minuten per dag.

Amy Smith
Head of Talent bij Framestore

Onze wervingsmanagers gebruiken Recruitee zo graag omdat het transparantie gecreëerd binnen het wervingsproces. Ik vind het geweldig hoe het de wervingstijd verkleind.

Amity Calhoun
Talent & Culture Manager bij Vectorform

De samenwerking tussen hiring managers en ons recruitmentteam is beter dan ooit! Iedereen is beter geïnformeerd en meer betrokken.

Carolien Temmerman
Talent Acquisition Manager bij Moore BE

6,000+ companies are already getting great results hiring collaboratively! When will you?

How Recruitee enables collaborative hiring

Tools to help teams structure and customize their recruitment and bring everyone into the process.

Customizable roles and visibility

Give access and visibility based on roles to ensure only the right team members can view specific candidate data.

Easy and centralized team communications

No more back and forth emails to share feedback on a candidate. Leave notes, send task reminders, or tag colleagues, so you’re all on the same page.

Source top talent collaboratively

Top-quality candidates are one degree away from your own employees. 56% of surveyed employee referrals have been in their job for 5+ years.

Scale hiring process with automation

Set up workflow templates and automated actions to save time on manual tasks and improve candidate experience.
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30 minutes to explore the software.

Frequently asked questions

How is Recruitee different from other Applicant Tracking Systems?


Most ATS tools offer some features for collaborative hiring. But because we’ve experienced the benefits of collaborative hiring firsthand within our own teams, we’re committed to building the best collaborative hiring software out there. Recruitee’s features are purpose-built for creating a seamless and scalable hiring process — so you and your team can hire better together. Read more about us here.

Is it difficult to use Recruitee for collaborative hiring?


Not at all! In a survey of more than 2000 users, 97% said that Recruitee makes it easier to work with hiring managers and colleagues. 94% said they’re more efficient with recruitment tasks, and 90% said Recruitee helps them provide a better candidate experience.

How can I implement a collaborative hiring strategy at my company?


Great question. It will be a different process for every company and vary depending on its size and hiring aspirations. Typical steps include assembling a hiring team, creating a structured interview process, ensuring a 360-degree view of your performance, and bringing your team together with collaborative hiring tools. Check out our handy guide to help you put together a collaborative hiring strategy.

How can I find out if Recruitee is right for my team?


Book a call with one of our specialists for a one-on-one consultation. Get in touch with us here.

All our consultants, together with the hiring team, participate in the hiring process as interviewers and use Recruitee. Overall satisfaction within the company is very high.

Didier Engelbosch
Project Manager at ::projective


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